

Music Stores in Atlanta, Georgia

Music Stores

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6435 Highway 42, Ste B, PO BOX 161970
Atlanta , Georgia 30273 UNITED STATES

About Soundcrafting

We are a provider of hip hop sounds, hip hop samples, loops and production tools, for beat makers around the world. Turbo charge your music production and visit soundcrafting for exploring our exclusive collection of hip hop sounds. Soundcrafting is an online store of music loop and hip hop sounds, which is committed to creating hit quality of hip hop sound samples.


Soundcrafting 678-565-8630
6435 Highway 42, Ste B, PO BOX 161970
Atlanta , Georgia 30273 UNITED STATES
Soundcrafting 5

Based on 2 reviews

Soundcrafting 678-565-8630
6435 Highway 42, Ste B, PO BOX 161970
Atlanta , Georgia 30273 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Hip Hop Loop producer. Provide me the direction and tell me how to make my own hip hop Loops.
posted at 09/06/16
Soundcrafting 678-565-8630
6435 Highway 42, Ste B, PO BOX 161970
Atlanta , Georgia 30273 UNITED STATES
5 5

Today I visited your site, from there I got good knowledge about hip hop music, how you make it and I want to make my first music with the help of you guys.
posted at 08/13/16

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Music Stores
5.0 (2 reviews)
mpc sounds,  fruity loops sound packs,  hip hop sounds hip hop samples
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